Name of Lender: Megastar Financial Corporation

Web Site Address Link:

City and State: Denver, CO

Contact Name: Paul John

Contact Phone Number: 888.85.FIXED

Contact Email Address:

Mortgage Implodes Independent Grades:

Disclaimer: Mortgage Implode in no ways endorses this lender or any other on the non-imploded list. All information gathered is through the interview process and strong due-diligence efforts (background and credit checks, audited financials...) are not conducted. Borrowers should not base borrowing decisions on this recommendation but are encouraged to talk to the lender themselves.

Overall Grade: A+

Management: A+

Technology: A+

Product Information: A

Credit Risk: A

Geography: A

Innovation: A+


A stable retail mortgage bank that provides funding for residential homes looking plug in already successful Mortgage Brokers, Net Branch(s), and Loan Officers into a model and infrastructure that will increase their quality of life through increased control, revenue and production!

24 in house underwriting, figures to title/escrow 3 days before close, same day funding, same day doc, over 100 different lenders to choose from with direct lender pricing, CRM marketing.


New Net Branch  - MegaStar's Net Branch program is not for everyone, only Top Loan Originator funding a minimum of $60 million a year in volume qualifies.

100% Branch Originator -    MegaStar's 100% Branch Loan Originator (Independent Loan Originator) program was designed for the already successful Loan Originator that currently works or wants to work for him or herself outside our offices. These individual Loan Originators may or may not have supporting staff and do a minimum of $24 million a year in volume.

Branch Loan Originator - Loan Originator looking to join an already successful Net Branch with the resources to help you increase your monthly production? MegaStar's existing Net Branch locations are always looking for talented Loan Originators to join their already successful team.

Fulfillment Services - MegaStar Financial offers mortgage operation fulfillment services for real estate agencies, builders, affinity programs and other organizations that would like to make additional income by creating their own mortgage entity and having professionals run it for them

Management :

President/Owner, Anita Padilla-Fitzgerald has been in banking for over 30 years.   MegaStar only works with Top Loan Originators. We don't hire inexperience.  It does not work in our system.  Anita's operations background has helped her make decisions that are helping our company prosper in times such as these.  That's why MegaStar is in such a great financial position at the moment.

Anita was invited and sits on the "Rules Task Force" advisory committee for banking and lending regulation in Colorado for the Governor, Bill Ritter.

Anita is backed by the best team support team in the industry. Our philosophy is that we only want to work with the best.

Technology Information

 Product Information:

 Currently                                                                     YTD

Currently Funding Conforming Loans:    Yes         % Conforming Fixed:     51.51%%

Government (VA and FHA):    Yes                           % Conforming ARM:    6.1%

Jumbo Loans:     Yes                                                  % Jumbo Fixed:     1.2%

Alt A:     No                                                                   % Jumbo ARM:    3.74%

Sub-Prime Loans:     No                                            % Alt A:    .14%

Seconds:     No                                                           % HELOC & CES:      .01%

Stated Loans:     No                                                    % Government:     37.3%

Other:                                                                            % Sub-prime:      0%

                                                                                      % Niche:     0%


MegaStar has delegated underwriting authority with 15 correspondent investors.   Megastar's focus on doing quality loans has put us in a strong position. With an EPD of less than .00001%, we are not stuck buying back loans; an issue that most lenders are facing right now with defaults. 

 Rather than doing loans for the sake of doing more volume, we held to our beliefs and are reaping the benefit now.  Our standards are set company wide.  We only do loans if it makes sense for our borrower(s).


 MegaStar's Corporate Headquarters are located in Denver, Colorado

MegaStar is licensed in 37 states. Currently not doing business in AK, AR, DC, LA, MS, MT, ND, SD, NF, NV, PA, VT, and WI.  Limited exemptions - NY, OH, WV, DE (Means Megastar will not sign up Net Branches or Originators with primary business in these states. MegaStar can only do a limited number of loans or volume in these states.)


 We have set our standards and beliefs.  MegaStar never follows the trend. When our President/CEO set up the company, everyone told her that her system would not work; a loan specialist could never do all those things.  Also, Anita set up the company based on the recommendations of the Top Loan Originators across the US and created a model based on their needs and wants.

  Also, ask any of our Loan Originators; MegaStar is about a lifestyle.  Our goal is to make life easier on everyone through accountability and integrity.  Our motto is With Accountability and Integrity, we earn Autonomy - we are MegaStar. It pretty much says it all.