Information Required to be Considered for Participation on the Trusted (Non-Imploded)(tm) Lenders List
To be included in the Trusted/Non-Imploded Lender listings (either State-level, Top, or Featured), please fill in the following form COMPLETELY. We will follow up with a phone interview by ML-Implode and/or one of our review panelists. If you pass our review (receive a grade of 'B' or above), you will be placed on the Non-Imploded(tm) list. Your company will be placed under the requested State-Level, Top or Featured Lender Section. You may use your inclusion on the Non-Imploded list in any sales or marketing materials as long as your company remains on this list (however, you may not claim that your presence on this list is an "endorsement" by the Mortgage Lender Implode-O-Meter of your company).
Inclusion on the Trusted/Non-Imploded(tm) list is highly visible and sought after in the Mortgage and Financial Industries. The 'Implode-O-Meter' averages over 20,000 visitors during regular business days (and has reached 100k-500k/day in the recent past) and has been included in dozens of articles and televised segments on CNBC, the New York Times, BusinessWeek, the Wall Street Journal, and most Mortgage Industry publications and web sites. Click here to see a list of current headlines and articles.
Company Name:*
Web Site Address:*
Description: This will be your initial text for display and State-level listings. (no HTML)
Offshore: Have you considered, or do you now use any Offshore services?
Magazine Advertising: Which Industry magazines do you currently advertise with?
Please fill out the following details about your business and why it is great!
Services: Describe what service levels your company provides.
Management: Quick name and positions of Senior Management
Technology Information: What makes your technology stand out? How sophisticated is your back-end system? To what depth?
Product Information: Describe what loan products your company provides.
Inventions: Any proprietary systems that sets your company above the norm?
Geography: What States are you licensed to lend within?
Innovation: What makes your company special?
The above request will be sent to us and The Niche Report (or other panelists) and you will be contacted shortly.
A substantial discount is given to bundle your Non-Imploded listing (Tiers 1-3) with any size print ad campaign within the Mortgage Industry magazine The Niche Report.
Cancellation Policy: Please provide cancellation notice here 20 days prior to the end of the quarterly statement. Any cancellations received after 20 days prior to cancellation date will automatically renew for a subsequent quarter.
Listing Agreement: The Mortgage Lender Implode-O-Meter, a property of Implode-Explode Heavy Industries, Inc., can remove your placement on the Non-Imploded(tm) list at anytime at our discretion. Pro-rated refunds will be provided for early termination. You agree that The Mortgage Lender Implode-O-Meter will place an independent grade of your operations and business. You also agree to in no way hold The Mortgage Lender Implode-O-Meter or its operator(s), agents, or assigns responsible for either positive or negative public relations or business results stemming from your Non-Imploded(tm) list entry or its termination. You agree to forgo or remove references to your inclusion on the Non-Imploded(tm) list in all current communication materials in the event the listing is terminated or your subscription lapses.
*I agree to the above Cancellation Policy and have read and understood the Listing Agreement above.