
Mr. Cisneros rarely comes around anymore. Lago Vista, like many communities born in the housing boom, is now under stress. Scores of homes have been foreclosed, including one in five over the last six years on the community’s longest street, Sunbend Falls, according to property records.

While Mr. Cisneros says he remains proud of his work, he has misgivings over what his passion has wrought. He insists that the worst problems developed only after “bad actors” hijacked his good intentions but acknowledges that “people came to homeownership who should not have been homeowners.”

They were lured by “unscrupulous participants — bankers, brokers, secondary market people,” he says. “The country is paying for that, and families are hurt because we as a society did not draw a line.”

The causes of the housing implosion are many: lax regulation, financial innovation gone awry, excessive debt, raw greed. The players are also varied: bankers, borrowers, developers, politicians and bureaucrats.

Mr. Cisneros, 61, had a foot in a number of those worlds. Despite his qualms, he encouraged the unprepared to buy homes — part of a broad national trend with dire economic consequences.


mortgagemess at 05:07 2008-10-20 said:
It really ticks me off that every president that has something go "bad" in his time in office loves to blame the president before...the honest answer is that bush was in office for 2 TERMS...he surrounded himself with a staff that was themselves enjoying the benefits of easy money lending, so what did they care? No one in his administration took into account the risks even when they were WARNED FOR YEARS by others..

Sorry but this article tries, like many others to refer to the housing crisis as starting with Clinton, but the reality is that it happend and exploded and has brought this country to its knees under The Bush Administration and its LACK of accountability and structure and oversight..

This administration was WARNED ABOUT THE TERRORIST OF 9/11, LIED to the American public about THE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION, KILLED innocent American lives in one of the COSTLIEST "WARS" and who now at the end of his so called Presidency has shaken this country right down to its FINANCIAL KNEES...

I think going to Clinton is a far far stretch...good luck finding anyone to visit his library! Permalink

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