
`` I’ve always understood one thing about the crisis that I think many other observers have missed… as the pain increases, and as more and more people are directly affected by the foreclosure crisis… more will start to question what caused this terrible tragedy. And as that happens, as more and more people start to realize that it wasn’t the borrowers over-borrowing… it was the bankers over-borrowing that caused the collapse of our financial and credit markets and left our housing markets in a literal free fall.''


catherine at 01:27 2011-03-02 said:
we are s....l...........o........w.......l...........y getting to the truth, just like my other topic THEY HAVE LIED, LIED LIED, subprime caused this, can still hear idiot people who know bettter selling that lie............

yep they blamed the borrowers who lost their jobs, GAVE THE TAX MONEY TO THE BANKS INSTEAD................

we could have had no problem if it was bad borrowers, America could have recovered easily.....

Until they put glass steagall back on the books and QUIT SECURITIZING THIS TOXIC GARBAGE it is no where near being fixed

but that would mean that Wall Street gets decimated like the mortgage industry was......

and that can't happen because they still own the Senate and WH.......

but in 21 months the change will be enormous.............

and I know the bashers are coming - the media will TELL EVERY PIMPLE ON THE 'OTHER SIDE'.............that is why they have to be in office, 4 years of total LIES IS DESTROYING THIS NATION.........

good article, THE TRUTH ALWAYS COMES OUT, EVEN 4 YEARS LATER...........[/u] Permalink

BIGTXLENDER at 03:01 2011-03-02 said:
and that fat loser Barney Frankenfurter lover, blamed it all on Mtg Brokers... Permalink

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