
I asked the president for his support in using the $700 million to pay down state debt... I reached out to the president, asking for a federal waiver from restrictions on stimulus money. I got a most unusual response. Before I even received an acknowledgment of the request from the White House, I got word that the Democratic National Committee was launching campaign-style TV attack-ads against me for making it.


bdc63 at 18:56 2009-03-26 said:
Mark Sanford for President! Permalink
Mr. X at 21:18 2009-03-26 said:
Why should the Federal Gov't pay for the poor fiscal management of the State? Maybe the Governor should get his population back to work and off @#$@# welfare or better yet, maybe the governor should be absorbed into N Carolina and Georgia since those two states have an idea of wtf they're doing.

So governor what you're really saying is that you gave BMW too sweet of a deal. Permalink

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