
" A summary of Second Quarter 2009 Negative Equity Data from First American CoreLogic shows that Nearly One-Third Of All Mortgages Are Underwater."


tvsterling at 06:48 2009-08-18 said:
Nevada is California's backyard & poor relation rolled into one. A lot of industry fleeing California's unreasonable social & zoning experiments landed there during the 80's & 90's. The state can really carry only a fraction of it's current population with it's limited natural resources. The futurists say that large areas of the west will be de-populated as we move past peak oil & energy becomes too expensive in these marginal areas. I think Nevada is poised to become the poster child for that. That's why Nevada's mortgages are 66% underwater. De-population apocalypse now. Permalink
2020 at 11:29 2009-08-18 said:
HA HA!! Funny guy! On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you believe in your comments. Permalink
MortgageDrummer at 22:33 2009-08-18 said:
Here comes the flood . . anything to thin the blood. . . (R.E.M)

The problem now is that all of those people that were ethical , work hard, pay their taxes , their bills, health insurance , raise a nice family and "Teach their children well." (CSNY) and on and on and on. . . and they kept hanging on and hanging on because that was how they were raised. . spending all their savings, cashed in their 401K , spent their childrens college money. . . before "they too" lost everything. . .

So, now you have the always paid on time 750 credit score borrowers loosing everything too. . . I'm one of them. . .I hung in there too. . . thinking things were going to get better. . . but OH, OH, , to late . all my cash and savings are gone . . Now, because I'm self employed , , no unemployment benefits, (even tho I paid in the last 18 years of my self employed business) no health insurance, (Obamas says I can't get cobra health insurance because I had less than 100 employees. . ) So there you have it. . . it's our turn! and we are MAD!!! I want to start up a new country!! Permalink

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