
" All of the voluntary foreclosure moratoriums have slowed “the flow of properties headed toward foreclosure sales” regardless of deep in distress borrowers are. These delays only work to prolong the mortgage crisis and prevent prices from falling to more natural levels."


catherine at 23:53 2009-09-23 said:
TWO POINTS HERE...............first if you miss the December mark on foreclosure then you will be billed for the loss as taxable income from the IRS, you PAIN IS REALLY JUST BEGINNING..........

SECOND...............we paid the banks trillions to not bother working their foreclosures...........Why bother to spend the time and money cleaning them up and marketing them WHEN UNCLE SAM ALREADY BOUGHT THEM....... Permalink

punstress at 04:49 2009-09-24 said:
Are you saying that tax forgiveness for deficiencies and forgiven loans is expiring? Oh, hallelujah. But they will probably extend it, don't you think? Permalink

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