
" The number of housing permits filed in the Houston area last month jumped for the second time this year, an indication that the market for new homes could be bouncing back. “It's good news in the sense that there is some strength returning to the market,” said economist Jim Gaines, of Texas A&M's Real Estate Center. But the boost may not last."


catherine at 05:37 2009-09-24 said:
Texas is one of the states not hurting as bad as the nation - NO SURPRISE PEOPLE ARE LEAVING OTHER STATES AND MOVING THERE - probably many Californians..........let's hope like Florida that the cowards in office DON'T BEND AND CHARGE A STATE INCOME TAX............... Permalink
PC LOAD LETTER at 09:26 2009-09-24 said:
AFAIK its mostly on the low end that things are moving, these are fools jumping in much too early. Permalink

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