
" Citigroup is whining that new regulations eliminate pricing for risk. So what does it do? Jack up rates is the answer."


ronin at 15:55 2009-11-21 said:
It's even worse than that. While Chase and BofA are sending out "transfer your balances" offers at attractive rates, Citi is putting good customers' rates up to what we used to call the Deadbeat Rate. Then, they offer relief from the jacked-up rate if you use the card heavily.

Anybody who wants a case study on how to corner the market on bad customers will have a ball with this. Permalink

tvsterling at 23:10 2009-11-22 said:
Why bother to play these ever more convoluted games? Why not just dump these jerks & live a debt free life? What is the advantage to the customer anymore? Most commercial banks are what I call fee-fee banks now anyway. You know the routine; A fee for this & a fee for that. The only thing these banks compete at is in how cleverly they can hide the fees until it's too late for you. Go with a good credit union. Most are way more honest with their customers. Permalink

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