
" Basically, I estimated based on information from the websites and publications from the World Bank, IMF, and Kuwait Energy websites that there was about a quarter of a billion dollars at stake and that it was that money that was the reason President Obama chose to attack the people of Yemen."


tvsterling at 08:22 2010-01-07 said:
What are you posting this Jingoist right wing horse manure for? Isn't the blog supposed to be about real estate? All of a sudden more hysterical raving. I couldn't make any sense out of the article at all. Permalink
Cremater at 00:19 2010-01-08 said:
Two years ago it all started as being described as a "sub prime" problem. You remember the mantra, it's subprime, it's contained, it wont spill over, business as usual.

It them moved to something more. Political corruption, business corruption, monetary policy problems, central banking, foriegn countries imploding, the U.S imploding, back room deals and the fact that they are ALL interconnected.

If one only looks at the real estate side of the equation, not only are they only seeing a very small sliver of the problems but are setting themselves up to be mowed over in short order.

That is why there is different subjects being covered here I am sure. You have to look at the big picture. Permalink

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