
"A record share of U.S. mortgages were in foreclosure in the first quarter as job losses caused homebuyers to fall behind on monthly payments, thwarting government efforts to stem property seizures."


catherine at 00:53 2010-05-20 said:
what job losses???? the unemployment rate IS 21% but Oilbama and the Democrats laugh and say ONE HALF OF THOSE PEOPLE DON'T COUNT - YOU SILLY AMERICANS...............HALF OF THOSE PEOPLE are still unemployed ......................but....................LOL............they have been unemployed TOOO LONG TO COUNT THEM ANYMORE..........................you bush haters better be paying close attention to these country destroying freaks...........

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO we will show 9.9% even though it is pretty consistent that we have lost about what 444,000 (funny how it stays there, isn't it?) week after week. but shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh half don't count..........

HELLLLLO..............JOB LOSSES CAUSE FORECLOSURES, if the media continues to ignore the DEPRESSION era unemployment and wonder why we aren't recovering, ahem....someone needs to fill that teleprompter with the real story............please..............someone....................

now these figures show why retail is up, people are just giving up on their losing investment as fast as they can record them and buying STUFF..............oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, this is fixed...... Permalink

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