
"The reality has always been that supply far exceeded demand, and would continue to do so, recession or not, because there are not enough buyers qualified to get loans. In truth, there were never enough truly qualified home buyers to absorb the supply of homes built to satisfy a demand based upon poor risk buyers"


BIGTXLENDER at 22:47 2011-06-05 said:
they need to do what Houston did from 1986-1991, NOTHING,

it took that long to sell off all the REO and get back on our feet..

Builders needs to quit living in Financial Fantasy land, and Realtors need to quit being greedy and making it all about them, and Lenders need to find a common sense underwriting approach until this happens we are not seeing any light for 3-4 more years..

I say 2014 will be the end of this terrible economy.. Permalink

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