
Ocwen Loan Servicing - Lender & Servicer


A reader sends in this report on a former bank and now only loan servicer & lender, which seems to have been largely predicated on fraud:

Orlando, FL

Services loans for the former Aames Home Loan dba Aames Funding Corp. They used to be a bank, OCWEN FEDERAL, until they ran afoul of the OCC. Now they're just one of the worst predatory loan servicers and lenders. Here's a sampling of the litigation they're currently facing:

Borrower Class Action Lawsuits:
Over 500 separate class action lawsuits have been combined into one jumbo class to be heard in the Northern District of Illinois. Former employees testifying about how OCWEN intentionally defrauds borrowers -- it's built in to their software which was designed by this IT guy who is blowing the whistle.

Employee Lawsuit(s): Settling in favor of the Plaintiffs

Investor and Supplier/Vendor Lawsuit(s): Just getting started

U.S. Federal Government Lawsuit(s): According to OCWEN's SEC filing, they are being sued by the U.S. in the amount of $700 million +. Suits arose after one of their subsidiaries filed for bankruptcy protection in the District of Delaware Bankruptcy Court for that amount - $700 million in debt. Here's the part the Feds and the investors are upset about: This subsidiary transferred ASSETS to OCWEN just before filing on their liabilities. That's called a fraudulent conveyance.

Other Lawsuits: Everyone's suing them.

According to the SEC and OCWEN's own report, their net worth is $325 million--oops not enough to satisfy the Feds and investors. Borrowers who were defrauded and wrongfully foreclosed are at the bottom of this 'crumby' food chain.

According to Moody's Rating Service, they've decided not to rate OCWEN's stock--this after downgrading it. The $325 million may be a negative $325 million by this time.


My online sources included the public records found at Moody's, the SEC, Delaware District Bankruptcy Court, George Miller, Trustee, and The Rip-Off Report and others.

Looks pretty bad.

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Important: This company is on our list of lending operations that are apparently ailing or which we think are worth watching for any other reason. We make no representation or claim that any company on this list will or will not continue as a going concern, or change in any other way, adverse or beneficial. If you have concerns about this company, we suggest contacting them directly and/or checking with other reliable sources.