
Quality Home Loans - Wholesale



We received an email indicating that Quality Home Loans is currently but only "temporarily" unable to fund loans:

Quality Home Loans is in the process of re-writing its warehouse accommodations. Unfortunately, this has resulted in a temporary inability to fund loans. We expect this to be completed shortly, and be able to resume funding. Your Quality Home Loans funder or account manager will inform you when funding is available for your loan. We apologize for any inconvenience resulting from this delay. Please accept our apologies and feel free to give me a call with any questions.

Per a Broker Outpost forum topic, account executives are avoiding publishing any information to update the situation at Quality Home Loans but notes that "QHL" is "still here":

We're still here, it's just that we can't disclose any info about Quality because we don't want to get fired. They have people that monitor these sites to make sure nobody is disclosing any proprietary information.

Stay tuned...

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Important: This company is on our list of lending operations that are apparently ailing or which we think are worth watching for any other reason. We make no representation or claim that any company on this list will or will not continue as a going concern, or change in any other way, adverse or beneficial. If you have concerns about this company, we suggest contacting them directly and/or checking with other reliable sources.