
Robreno ordered the fines in late February, and took the unusual step of sanctioning Wider's attorney, Joseph Ziccardi of Chicago, for not reining in his client. Together, they were ordered to pay $29,323 - the amount GMAC spent on the ill-fated deposition and court costs.


"I will go down in history as someone who defied the federal government. . . . I have defied one man who comes from a communist country," Wider said of Robreno, the nation's first Cuban-born American appointed to a federal court. "If he told Fidel Castro to go [bleep] himself, he would be in prison."

Wider later called a reporter and asked to retract that statement.

"I don't want to go to jail," he said.

Aww poor baby.

We're all about defying the Federal government, but civilly, and on principle.

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