
"Two news items were released on Friday that would seem to bode poorly for the state of the real economy. One of these was the report on unemployment rates, which has now shot up to approximately 6.5%. That figure happens to be the highest since 1994, which curiously represented a turning point for the American economy"


tvsterling at 23:15 2008-11-09 said:
Let's think outside the box. The problem corporate managers have is that their hands are tied. They are not BAD managers. They are bound by GREEDY shareholders to go for the short term profit at ANY cost. The drain on the corporation severely limits funds for their workers & for research. The answer to that lies in a simple adjustment to the Capital Gains Tax. Dear to the hearts of Republicans are cuts to the Capital Gains Tax. Alright, lets have one but use it to favor solid buy & hold investors over the quick profits crowd. Give a nice little package of stuff to people who hold five or more years. Give absolutely zero to the fast buck crowd & maybe a little nip in the heels of the daytrader-short term crowd. This should give corporate managers a little breathing room from the pressures to sacrifice everything to the quick & dirty profit. Also, the time has come to substitute 'Fair Trade' for 'Free Trade'. If we don't take some mild steps to protect our basic industries we will lose them. National security is at stake here. The big auto makers equip our armed forces with tanks & trucks. Who will we contract that stuff out to, CHINA? Along with this is the responsibility of the Megacorporations to the nation at large. Right, they are too big to fail. They are also to big to allow them total control over their actions. As pointed out in the article all a big car company has to do is pack up & leave & an entire city dies. Permalink

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