
It has been rumored that Taylor, Bean & Whitaker has procured $900 million in additional warehouse lines-of-credit from Bank of America...


FHABob at 07:02 2009-02-20 said:
i'm sitting at 'clear for docs' for 4 days without any docs in sight, and suddently, within an hour, i get news that docs are imminent and then read this story that TBW has a new WH line. i've got the scars to show for dealing with TBW this month. Permalink
mhelling at 07:55 2009-02-20 said:
This REO Title Co. we are dealing with demanded funds today in advance of our closing tomorrow. They did not receive it. Now they want to reschedule the closing! Permalink
WholesaleAEinPA at 01:05 2009-02-21 said:
Please provide publication or newswire. Based on the performance of the large banks (C, BAC, WFC) I don't see new credit lines being offered. Permalink

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