
``All of this would not be the biggest story on my blog except that Ponta Negra is marketed out of the office of Paradigm Global – a fund of hedge funds owned and controlled by Hunter Biden and James Biden. Hunter and James are the son and brother of Vice President Joe Biden respectively.''


taps65 at 23:19 2009-04-29 said:
More power to you. its about time the public know who they are working for. I downloaded the documents and I will help spread this out. Also, it will be on the Attorneys mailbox from me. In the event a lawsuit is filed there won't be a shortage of JurisPro experts. We can start filing complaints with the State Bar, Department of Justice, Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, FBI, House Financial Services Committee, US Dept of Treasury and The Securities and Exchange Commission. With the Economy accumulating debt every second from these traitors do you think Lawyers and thugs will scare the people? Permalink

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