2009-06-05 — dealbreaker.com
``The bottom line is the OTS has too much flexibility to change the rules of the game as they see fit. If other big time servicers like Tom Morano's ResCap own a bank now through GMAC, why shouldn't the OTS let Ross's AHMSI play in the same sandbox?''
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tvsterling at 23:51 2009-06-06 said:If I read this piece right you need to know somebody to get yourself a bank to integrate your mortgage business. No juice & you get stuck in the minor leagues. I guess that puts common peasants (us taxpayers) completely out in the cold. All we get to do is pay for these fun & games. All the speeches during the elections were about reform; what happened to all that? Permalinkadd a comment | go to forum thread Note: Comments may take a few minutes to show up on this page. If you go to the forum thread, however, you can see them immediately. |