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2009-06-19 — opednews.com
``The Obama Express is in full motion with new announcements, proposals, and laws signed daily. Yet, something’s missing. Au Contraire, Mr. Maher, there is no lack of audacity, just a failure to recognize that cosmetic alterations do not fundamental change make.''
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catherine at 12:43 2009-06-20 said:he is a lawyer with absolutely NO EXPERIENCE running anything. Come on guys why do you think he knows what to do besides talk. There is not a leader bone, a quality bone in a field of any kind in his body. HE IS A TALKER AND WE NEED SOME SKILL AND A DOER IN THE WORST TIME IN OUR LAST 50 YEARS. This man knows nothing about banking, securities, the market, cars or healthcare. AND HE WANTS TO OWN THEM ALL And when you are a novice beginner from the organizing suburb of Chicago YOU DON'T MEET PEOPLE THAT CAN DO THESE THINGS EITHER. We laugh off beginners filling out mortgage applications in our business because we feel it was a skill to do our old jobs, BUT PEOPLE WILL VOTE FOR A BEGINNER TO RUN THE LARGEST CORPORATION ON THE PLANET. Silly silly wabbits, ORGANIZING DIDN'T MAKE THIS GUY PRESIDENT, OUR PIECE OF CRAP MEDIA LIED AND LIED AND LIED AND LIED AND BEAT DOWN THE OTHER SIDE, THEIR FAMILIES, THEIR AGE AND DRESS SIZE AND THE SHEEPLE BOUGHT IN - HOW IS THAT HOPE AND CHANGE WORKING FOR YOU NOW THEY ARE ALL THE SAME YOU SAY, THAT IS WHAT THEY SAID ABOUT THAT NICE BOY HITLER UNTIL IT WAS WAY TOOOOOO LATE. Elections HAVE CONSEQUENCES AND HE IS A BEGINNER WHO HAS YOUR WALLET AND WILL NOT FINISH WITH HIS EXPERIMENTING UNTIL ALL YOUR MONEY, YOUR KID'S MONEY AND YOUR DAMN GRANDKIDS MONEY IS GONE........................AND MEANWHILE ROCKETS ARE AIMED AT HAWAII AND ISRAEL HAS BEEN LEFT TO DEFEND ITSELF WITH NUKES........... YEAH LET'S PRAISE THE BEGINNER CAUSE YOU HATED BUSH, IRRATIONALLY HATED (SOLD BY THE MEDIA) THE ONE MAN WHO KEPT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY BOMB FREE FOR THE LAST 7.5 YEARS FAT WITH YOUR FREEDOM BUT DON'T LOOK NOW WITH EVERY DAILY PRESS CONFERENCE HE IS STEALING THAT FREEDOM WHILE MY STATE RUN MEDIA IS NOW DOING LOVEFESTS OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE WHILE NORTH KOREA AND IRAN ARE BURNING.......... DISGUSTING.................. Permalinkjadventur at 00:33 2009-06-22 said:he is a lawyer with absolutely NO EXPERIENCE running anything. Come on guys why do you think he knows what to do besides talk. There is not a leader bone, a quality bone in a field of any kind in his body. HE IS A TALKER AND WE NEED SOME SKILL AND A DOER IN THE WORST TIME IN OUR LAST 50 YEARS. This man knows nothing about banking, securities, the market, cars or healthcare. AND HE WANTS TO OWN THEM ALL And when you are a novice beginner from the organizing suburb of Chicago YOU DON'T MEET PEOPLE THAT CAN DO THESE THINGS EITHER. We laugh off beginners filling out mortgage applications in our business because we feel it was a skill to do our old jobs, BUT PEOPLE WILL VOTE FOR A BEGINNER TO RUN THE LARGEST CORPORATION ON THE PLANET. Silly silly wabbits, ORGANIZING DIDN'T MAKE THIS GUY PRESIDENT, OUR PIECE OF c**p MEDIA LIED AND LIED AND LIED AND LIED AND BEAT DOWN THE OTHER SIDE, THEIR FAMILIES, THEIR AGE AND DRESS SIZE AND THE SHEEPLE BOUGHT IN - HOW IS THAT HOPE AND CHANGE WORKING FOR YOU NOW THEY ARE ALL THE SAME YOU SAY, THAT IS WHAT THEY SAID ABOUT THAT NICE BOY HITLER UNTIL IT WAS WAY TOOOOOO LATE. Elections HAVE CONSEQUENCES AND HE IS A BEGINNER WHO HAS YOUR WALLET AND WILL NOT FINISH WITH HIS EXPERIMENTING UNTIL ALL YOUR MONEY, YOUR KID'S MONEY AND YOUR DAMN GRANDKIDS MONEY IS GONE........................AND MEANWHILE ROCKETS ARE AIMED AT HAWAII AND ISRAEL HAS BEEN LEFT TO DEFEND ITSELF WITH NUKES........... YEAH LET'S PRAISE THE BEGINNER CAUSE YOU HATED BUSH, IRRATIONALLY HATED (SOLD BY THE MEDIA) THE ONE MAN WHO KEPT YOU AND YOUR FAMILY BOMB FREE FOR THE LAST 7.5 YEARS FAT WITH YOUR FREEDOM BUT DON'T LOOK NOW WITH EVERY DAILY PRESS CONFERENCE HE IS STEALING THAT FREEDOM WHILE MY STATE RUN MEDIA IS NOW DOING LOVEFESTS OUT OF THE WHITE HOUSE WHILE NORTH KOREA AND IRAN ARE BURNING.......... DISGUSTING..................Reading your post I found myself thinking that this is the very case against the LAST administration. (except he could not TALK intelligently) What qualifications did Bush have? What experience did he have in "banking, securities, the market, cars or healthcare." Where was your outrage for Bush the beginner? And for the record, no first term president has ever been the president before so they HAVE ALL been beginners at that job. Lies in the Media? Sounds familiar....Iraq has WMD..Hmmm. We don't torture. huh Are you in total Denial?? How did we get to the "WORST TIME IN OUR LAST 50 YEARS." (Hint: $1 Trillion on a F*@ked up war and turning Securitized Debt and CDS's into a Casino game, just to name two HUGE screw ups) I'm sure Obama LOVES to inherit this Pile of Turds Bush/Cheney left behind. Reading your post it is clear that other than the "skill" of filling out Mortgage Applications (speaking of lies over the last few years) you have stuck your head in the sand over what transpired in the last 8 years. (and possibly decades of world history ...Hitler?) I notice how it is "7.5 years" in your post, very convenient to leave out the first few months of Bush who WAS the president during 9/11 and DID NOT manage to keep us "bomb free". That's like saying Japan kicked ass in WW II except for those two days in August. Sorry, just cause he spent most of his time at the ranch, it still counts on his watch. javascript:emoticon(':oops:') Bush/Cheney are hated by many Americans. It is not irrational, but based on the outcome of their actions (an inactions) That is why their side is not running the show. That is called Democracy, see, it was not very fun for many to watch the US go in the toilet the last 8 years, so now, it may not be fun for you to realize you were duped into supporting Bush and Cheney in THEIR big experiment, which we KNOW did NOT work. The US Govt, Wall Street and most of America has been living on credit and when the music stopped the banks had to write bad checks to cover it and the govt wrote a bigger check to cover that one. We are in a hole, we may or may not get out of the hole. President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. I bet you didn't write in ALL CAPS about your children and grandchildren's money then. President Bush created a Medicare drug entitleÂment that will cost an estimated $800 billion in its first decade. Where was the outrage from the fiscally conservative "run for your lives we're gonna be socialized" crowd then? And Finally, If "North Korea and Iran are burning" ......well, see, these are the bad guys so that really doesn't bolster your argument. That would be a good thing on your "axis of evil" scorecard. Geesh. Now go get yourself one of those "countdown to the election" calendars so you can read an Obama-ism everyday that will make you feel better for about a minute. Speaking from experience, a two term countdown is 2921 days....but it goes by much Sloooower. Enjoy the ride. :D Permalink catherine at 01:09 2009-06-22 said:JD - you said Reading your post I found myself thinking that this is the very case against the LAST administration. (except he could not TALK intelligently) YOU BOYS LOVE YOUR LAWYER SWEET TALKERS, GOT IT What qualifications did Bush have? What experience did he have in "banking, securities, the market, cars or healthcare." Where was your outrage for Bush the beginner? And for the record, no first term president has ever been the president before so they HAVE ALL been beginners at that job. YOU CALL A TWO TERM GOVERNOR OF A HUGE BORDER STATE A BEGINNER (FIRST TO BE RE-ELECTED IN TEXAS) WHOSE FATHER WAS PRESIDENT OR VICE PRESIDENT FOR 12 YEARS AND OH YEAH HEAD OF THE CIA - AND PILOT IN THE MILITARY MOST OF THE PREVIOUS ONES HAVE AT LEAST HAD MILITARY EXPERIENCE OR OWNED A COMPANY OR HAD A JOB, UNLIKE YOUR BEGINNER AND OH YEAH OWNED TWO BUSINESS' THE RANGERS AND AN OIL COMPANY YOUR MUSLIM THUG WAS A COMMUNITY ORGANIZER WHO DIDN'T KNOW HIS FATHER - NEVER RAN A BUSINESS AND TOOK BLAGO'S "THE SENATE SEAT SELLER'S" CHICAGO SEAT - EXCEPT FOR HIS MUSLIM UPBRINGING AND SHOWING UP WITH MILLIONS OF UNKNOWN DOLLARS - HE HAS NO HISTORY - AND YOU CALL BUSH A BEGINNER, :roll: YOUR GUY IS IN THE CELLER IF YOU THROW THAT BEGINNER WORD AROUND, THAT IS AN ARGUEMENT YOU BETTER LOSE QUICK, NOT EVEN CLOSE SHOW YOUR IRRATIONAL BUSH HATRED (YOUR RIGHT) BUT THAT BEGINNER ARGUEMENT IS JUST DAMN CLUELESS Lies in the Media? Sounds familiar....Iraq has WMD..Hmmm. We don't torture. huh CLINTON AND THE WORLD THOUGHT THERE WERE WMDS - HELL SADDAM SAID HE HAD THEM AND GASSED HIS OWN PEOPLE - BET THEY WERE LYING AND SOME WATER ON 3 GUYS IS TORTURE, JOHN MCCAIN WAS MY NAVY SKIPPER --BACK BROKEN ARMS BROKEN MULTIPLE TIMES - FANATICAL MUSLIM PIGS TURNING 3000 PEOPLE INTO DUST - NOW THAT IS SOME TORTURE - ASK DANIEL PEARL OH YEAH THEY DIDN'T LET HIM KEEP HIS MOUTH - LOVE THOSE TERRORISTS IN BERMUDA ON YOUR DIME REORGANIZING AND 7.5 YEARS IN IRAQ AND NO BOMBINGS IN AMERICA (AFTER IMPEACHED SWEET TALKING LYING LAWYER GOT US BOMBED EVERY 1.5 YEARS) NO COINCIDENCE Are you in total Denial?? How did we get to the "WORST TIME IN OUR LAST 50 YEARS." (Hint: $1 Trillion on a F*@ked up war and turning Securitized Debt and CDS's into a Casino game, just to name two HUGE screw ups) GLAD THAT BOTHERS YOU - IN 10 WEEKS THIS MUSLIM CHICAGO BEGINNING THUG HAS TRIPLED THE DEBT THAT BUSH LEFT - MUST JUST BURN YOUR ASS SINCE THAT IS A BIG PROBLEM WITH YOU I'm sure Obama LOVES to inherit this Pile of Turds Bush/Cheney left behind. JUST LIKE BUSH LIKED INHERITING THE PILE OF SECURITY TURDS THAT IMPEACHED FELON LEFT BEHIND - THE TRADECENTER MURDER WAS THE 2ND TIME THE SAME PEOPLE BLEW UP THE SAME TARGET - BUT BUSH DIDN'T WHINE ABOUT IT DAILY - HE FIXED IT - SHOWS HOW A BEGINNER LIKE YOUR GUY OPERATES - AND HE HAS AGAIN TRIPLED THE DEBT LEFT - AND BY YOUR RULES AS OF 9/11 THE MUSLIM THUG OWNS IT ALL AND SINCE YOU EVIDENTLY DON'T PAY ATTENTION YOUR MUSLIM THUG'S NAME IS ON EVERY SINGLE TARP BILL BUSH WROTE - HE SIGNED THEM ALL AS HE WAS IN THE MAJORITY IN CONGRESS - HE LIES TO YOUR FACE WHEN HE SAYS HE JUST SHOWED UP YOU KNOW CONGRESS - OUR FINANCIAL OVERSIGHT DIVISION AND COME TO THINK OF IT THEY TOOK OVER 3 YEARS AGO AND THIS PILE OF TURDS STARTED EXPLODING THEN, DIDN'T IT Reading your post it is clear that other than the "skill" of filling out Mortgage Applications (speaking of lies over the last few years) you have stuck your head in the sand over what transpired in the last 8 years. (and possibly decades of world history ...Hitler?) I notice how it is "7.5 years" in your post, very convenient to leave out the first few months of Bush who WAS the president during 9/11 and DID NOT manage to keep us "bomb free". That's like saying Japan kicked ass in WW II except for those two days in August. Sorry, just cause he spent most of his time at the ranch, it still counts on his watch. SEE LIKE MOST LIBERALS USING THAT - AS OF 9/11 YOUR MUSLIM THUG OWNS IT ALL BY YOUR REASONING - OKAY - CAUSE EVERYTHING THAT HAPPENED BEFORE BUSH BECAME HIS PROBLEM TO THE MEDIA AND IRRATIONAL BUSH HATERS - SO OKAY - IN ABOUT 71 MORE DAYS WILL THE MUSLIM THUG SHUT HIS FACE ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED BEFORE, DOUBT IT - THIS HELL IS HIS NOW javascript:emoticon('') Bush/Cheney are hated by many Americans. It is not irrational, but based on the outcome of their actions (an inactions) That is why their side is not running the show. That is called Democracy, see, it was not very fun for many to watch the US go in the toilet the last 8 years, so now, it may not be fun for you to realize you were duped into supporting Bush and Cheney in THEIR big experiment, which we KNOW did NOT work. THIS MAN HAS LET EVERY TERRORIST GO, REDONE THE "AMERICA SUCKS" TOURS THAT IMPEACHED FELON FOUND SO WONDERFUL - SO BABY WHEN THE NEXT BOMB COMES AND IT IS WHEN NOT IF WHEN YOU TOTALLY DESTROY EVERY SECURITY FEATURE THAT GOT US 7.5 YEARS OF NO BOMBING - AND NO I DON'T WANT IT LIKE I DON'T WANT HIM DISMANTLING EVERY SECURITY THING WE DID BUT WE WILL SEE HOW THE COUNTRY FEELS ABOUT BUSH AND CHENEY - HELL CHENEY'S POLLS ARE ALREADY AHEAD OF PELOSI'S - LOOK AROUND ON JULY 4TH AND YOU WILL NOT SEE AN OUNCE OF LOVE FOR YOUR MUSLIM FACIST - THE PEOPLE DON'T LIKE THE DEBT TRIPLED AND DON'T LIKE TO SEE THIS NATION LEFT DEFENSELESS - THEY LIVED THRU THE IMPEACHED ONE AND THEY DON'T WANT A REDO AND THEY DON'T WANT A FACIST NATION WHERE THIS MUSLIM RUNS EVERYTHING - THAT WOULD BE IRAN The US Govt, Wall Street and most of America has been living on credit and when the music stopped the banks had to write bad checks to cover it and the govt wrote a bigger check to cover that one. We are in a hole, we may or may not get out of the hole. President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. I bet you didn't write in ALL CAPS about your children and grandchildren's money then. President Bush created a Medicare drug entitleÂment that will cost an estimated $800 billion in its first decade. Where was the outrage from the fiscally conservative "run for your lives we're gonna be socialized" crowd then? AGAIN YOUR SAVIOUR OF HOPE AND CHANGE HAS TRIPLED THE DEBT IN 10 DAMN WEEKS - THROWN WORKERS OUT OF THEIR COMPANIES AND GAVE THEM TO UNION SUPPORTERS - YOU WAIT AND SEE THE LOVE ON JULY 4TH And Finally, If "North Korea and Iran are burning" ......well, see, these are the bad guys so that really doesn't bolster your argument. That would be a good thing on your "axis of evil" scorecard. Geesh. LEARN SOME HISTORY IN 95 THE REPUBLICAN CONGRESS BEGGED THAT IDIOT CARTER AND IMPEACHED FELON NOT TO GIVE THE NUKES TO KOREA AND THEY AND THAT HATBRIGHT IDIOT SAID N KOREA WAS NICE AND ONLY WANTED IT FOR HEATING - THEN NORTH KOREA LAUGHED IN OUR FACES AFTER USING IT TO MAKE A BOMB - DAMN WE CAN'T KEEP UP WITH YOU TERRORIST LOVIN LIBERALS - AND CRAZY CARTER PICKED THE MULLAHS OVER THE SHAH IN 79 - GET THAT CRAZY CREEP OFF OUR STAGE Now go get yourself one of those "countdown to the election" calendars so you can read an Obama-ism everyday that will make you feel better for about a minute. Speaking from experience, a two term countdown is 2921 days....but it goes by much Sloooower. Enjoy the ride. I DON'T THINK THE NON AMERICAN MUSLIM SLUG WILL BE HERE IN 4 YEARS - AND I DON'T MEAN HARMED :roll: OUR LAWS WILL DO THE TRICK (YOU KNOW LIKE THE LAST IMPEACHED SWEET TALKING PIG YOU LOVED - THOSE SUPREME COURT CASES ON HIS MISSING BIRTH CERTIFICATE (PROBABLY HIDDEN SOMEWHERE WITH THE RAPIST IMPEACHED FELON'S MEDICAL RECORDS) WILL CAUSE A CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS LIKE OUR NATION HAS NEVER SEEN MAYBE THAT IS WHY HE ISN'T TOO WORRIED ABOUT N. KOREA THREATENING HAWAII :roll: BUT THE PEOPLE ARE PISSED THAT HE WANTS AMERICA TO GO FACIST AND THE MARCHES IN JULY WILL BE SO MUCH BIGGER THAN APRIL 15TH THAT THE STATE RUN MEDIA WILL NOT BE ABLE TO IGNORE THEM SO MY COUNTDOWN CALENDAR IS MUCH SHORTER THAN YOURS.......AND TELL THOSE GM AND CHRYSLER AND 1 MILLION A MONTH UNEMPLOYED TO ENJOY THE RIDE - :roll: BUT HEY I ENLISTED SO YOU CAN RUN YOUR MOUTH, GREAT FREE SPEECH HAVE A GREAT DAY - GOING TO ENJOY THE BEACH - THANKS FOR YOUR THOUGHTS...................[/b] Permalinkadd a comment | go to forum thread Note: Comments may take a few minutes to show up on this page. If you go to the forum thread, however, you can see them immediately. |