2009-07-13 — nytimes.com
" I’m referring, of course, to the proverbial frog that, placed in a pot of cold water that is gradually heated, never realizes the danger it’s in and is boiled alive. Real frogs will, in fact, jump out of the pot — but never mind. The hypothetical boiled frog is a useful metaphor for a very real problem: the difficulty of responding to disasters that creep up on you a bit at a time."
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catherine at 00:29 2009-07-14 said:And let’s be clear: both the president and the party’s Congressional leadership understand the economic and environmental issues perfectly well. So if we can’t get action to head off disaster now, what would it take THEY DO? UNEMPLOYMENT WAS AROUND 5% WITH BUSH'S FIRST STIMULUS AND NOW WE ARE ROUNDING 10% (20% IN MICHIGAN) WHAT DO YOU SEE PAUL THAT MAKES YOU THINK JOE BIDEN AND HIS BOSS AND BARNEY FRANK AND DODD AND SCHUMER KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING. nope I guess the next solution is too see more media join our ranks in the mortgage industry.............. Permalinkadd a comment | go to forum thread Note: Comments may take a few minutes to show up on this page. If you go to the forum thread, however, you can see them immediately. |