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2009-08-31 — wsj.com
Government regulators say Taylor Bean & Whitaker Mortgage Corp., the Florida mortgage lender that filed for bankruptcy last week, is holding hundreds of thousands of homeowners "hostage" by refusing to hand over their loan information. Taylor Bean "is holding hostage hundreds of thousands of homeowners, and each day of delay is causing mounting and growing harm to individual homeowners" who are unable to get...
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mortgagemess at 08:24 2009-09-01 said:LoL...what do you expect...when all the other lenders are holding homeowners hostage when it comes to approvals on "short sales" and "loan mods." We are only able to handle positive outcomes in corporations..unlike the real world..they don't hope for the best and prepare for the worst! Permalinkrocketrob at 20:07 2009-09-01 said:Funny thing, FDIC is holding me hostage as a defrauded homeowner by WAMU/JPMorgan Chase. Let's see.... FDIC, OTS allow Fraudulent lenders like WAMU, Indymac, Countrywide, et al. to defraud countless homeowners with fraudulent underwriting, take over those banks, give them to the enabler bigger banks who are pumped full of TARP money and write down the toxic assets, and then jump in their little bully brother's fight with the defenseless homeowner who is abused by legal process and unmanageable legal expense... and then try to take their homes. Looks like theft to me. Here is a compelling story. I am living proof of the end-game. ......................................................................................... The FDIC is backing JPMorgan Chase in (allegedly) fraudulently taking my home. WAMU defrauded myself and potentially 100,000's of other US taxpayer/homeowners. The FDIC is also defending JPMorgan Chase to cover up this "theft." http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE54C01V20090513 also see: http://www.businessweek.com/the_thread/hotproperty/archives/2009/02/wamu_the_movie.html If you could pull up the "Texas case," (EXHIBIT A) the allegations that JPMorgan Chase and the FDIC were in collusion to steal WAMU are very damning. http://www.kccllc.net/documents/0812229/0812229090501000000000002.pdf I have discovery in my own foreclosure case(s) against WAMU that the underwriters and loan officer from WAMU changed my FULL DOC loan income and debt items to reduce my Debt to Income ratio from over 200% down to 17% to make a sizable commission. My full Doc application includes two years personal tax returns, corporate returns complete with all appropriate schedules, balance sheets, operating statements, checking account statements, net worth sheet, and leases. WAMU further changed my property tax from $10,000 to $4500 from the previously agreed upon settlement statement causing an unforeseen $1400/month spike in my payment 14 payments later. This was clearly fraud in the Inducement as I never would have accepted such a deal. They also failed to properly disclose the neg am feature up front. They knew I would not be at the closing (my wife was given Power of Attorney) so all the changes would have not been recognizable in my absence. I HAVE HARD COPY EVIDENCE THROUGH COURT ORDERED/COMPELLED DISCOVERY! If the Texas Case (WAMU bondholder's) allegations against JPMorgan Chase and the FDIC are true, then a case should be made that both entities aided and abetted with WAMU to steal potentially 100,000's of homes years later from defrauded homeowners. This colossal theft will be exacted for free for JPMorgan Chase with taxpayer money (including TARP funds) with the FDIC. This fraud would amount to billions of dollars unfairly extracted from homeowners, not including bondholders. This is unconscionable. http://securities.stanford.edu/1038/WM_01/20081021_r01c_08387.pdf I and 100,000's of (WAMU originated) homeowners need our cases to be fully examined/prosecuted and put forth before the court of public opinion to ask a simple question. WAS THE ENTIRE ECONOMIC COLLAPSE AND WAMU'S (Countrywide, IndyMac, etc...) FRAUDULENT LENDING BUSINESS PRACTICES A PLANNED EVENT TO ENRICH THE BANKING ELITE AND THEIR POLITICAL FRIENDS AT THE EXPENSE OF THE HOMEOWNERS AND TAXPAYERS? I would also like to find the 100,000's of WAMU originated homeowners now being bullied by JPMorgan Chase and the FDIC who are now foreclosing (YET CLAIM NO LIABILITY FROM HOMEOWNERS FOR WAMU'S FRAUD) to assist them in their legal defense against WAMU, JPMorgan Chase and certain responsible parties from the FDIC, OTS, and the US Government (that I believe and allege by diligent research of 1000's of document pages) aided and abetted theft and fraud on an unprecedented scale, and are co-conspirators, both civilly and criminally. Also, feel free to forward this email to anyone who could amplify its production and scope. Journalists, bloggers, citizen groups, consumer rights attorneys, friends, family and co-workers should all be included to share this shocking content. It's your country, too. Feel free to contact me at (850) 259-6422 or crharrington@cox.net Thank you, Robert Harrington Niceville, FL PermalinkAlexius12 at 01:55 2009-09-30 said:Glad you posted this here Rob. Some people think this mess was created by us Mortgage Brokers, Correspondent Lenders. This country is now owned by Foreigna Banksters and the 4 -5 largest US banks. Too much to write here and we all know what we are talking about. I'm sorry about what you are going through. Just when I though I heard it all. Good luck with your homeauctionwithowner site. Peace out... Permalinkrocketrob at 07:37 2009-09-30 said:I really empathize with so many of the brokers and independents on this site. Yes, some were crooks but then again, MANY MORE were most likely neighbors and good citizens in their community. I trust my neighbor more than a 1 - 800 mega banker from God knows where? My neighbor would not lie, cheat and steal the way a corporofascist firm would. I know this first hand after my WAMU debacle. There was my mistake. I own it! Here's what I learned... The large megabanks are .... sociopathic... in that they know they can steal and settle out of court if push comes to shove after getting away with the first 100,000 similar scams. They are unfeeling because they are detached as a corporate non-human entity. They don't care because they have the number, reach and budget. They take risks because they have no risk. They would just assume $%&# on all of us because of the diffusion of responsibility in their worker bee cubicle network of time card punchers and clock watchers. The will lie because they can. They will harm because they are protected by their regulator. They are confident because they have history, lobby money and campaign money to back them up. They can fail and always go bankrupt while their CEO's parachute out the door with all the cash after dumping their stocks. Yes, I would trust a local banker/broker over a uberbank anytime. My neighbor has to look me into my eyes and I know their neighbors too. Nobody wants to be shamed or labeled in their own neighborhood! A great start for America is to simply close down their accounts at ALL the banks who took TARP money and were rewarded for their "mistakes" and greed. This was NOT an accident, but well planned. Close down those accounts and re-invest locally!!! Good luck!! Permalinkadd a comment | go to forum thread Note: Comments may take a few minutes to show up on this page. If you go to the forum thread, however, you can see them immediately. |