2009-09-03 — thetruthaboutmortgage.com
"Foreclosure starts increased to 283,682 in July from 251,340 a month earlier, outnumbering the 253,673 workout plans offered to borrowers during that, according to foreclosure prevention group Hope Now."
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catherine at 02:11 2009-09-04 said:after we have thrown trillions at this problem............keep doing the same ole thing and don't be surprised if you keep getting the same result............ the money we have spent for the banks could have been used in a fund to refinance these loans - I said at the beginning that we should have just sent 2000 a month to every person to keep the bubble going instead of saving DEAD BANKS...............AND THOSE BANKS ARE STILL GOING TO DIE THEY ARE JUST GOING DOWN WITH ALL OUR TAX DOLLARS.................. Permalinkadd a comment | go to forum thread Note: Comments may take a few minutes to show up on this page. If you go to the forum thread, however, you can see them immediately. |