2009-09-19 — thesunnews.com
"Lenders took sharp criticism from top U.S. lawmakers and federal officials earlier this year for their disorderly loan modification process. But the latest news reports show that banks have stepped up their efforts, in part because of a $75 billion federal effort to save homeowners from foreclosure."
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mortgagemess at 22:56 2009-09-20 said:Sadly that is not true of all lenders. OneWest Bank, formly IndyMac Bank has received word from Deutsche Bank, that per the quote from their Loan Mod Department, "Deutsche Bank will not pariticpate in ANY loan modification program...PERIOD." Of course when you ask for the modification department to provide you with a COPY of this internal memo they refuse to do so...was trying to do a loan modification for my mother through them..but I told my mom just to give up... That is what happens when you let FOREIGN banks take control of the American Banking system. Permalinkadd a comment | go to forum thread Note: Comments may take a few minutes to show up on this page. If you go to the forum thread, however, you can see them immediately. |