
" On Thursday, Treasury announced that 500,000 homeowners had since had their payments lowered on a trial basis, celebrating this as a milestone. But the report from the oversight panel directly challenged the administration’s characterizations. Most prominently, the panel had grave uncertainty about whether large numbers of the trial loan modifications — which typically run for three months — would successfully be converted to permanent terms."


tvsterling at 07:48 2009-10-14 said:
You're preaching to the choir. Any shred of belief in the FED acting for the good of anybody but the FED & their 'fair haired boy' megabanks is long gone & long since discredited. Gut the thing to a sheII & make it the tame pet of the treasury. The rubes who get everything from the TV screen won't know the difference & this time it WILL be for their good. Permalink

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