
"After thinking it over, and listening carefully to the discussion on financial television and the news today in reaction to the proposal for a special bank tax, I can come to no other conclusion. Wall Street thinks that the American people, who came to their aid after the collapse of a monumental and most likely fraudulent bubble, are jealous little malcontents."


tvsterling at 23:06 2010-01-18 said:
This great article points out one great fact. Libertarianism, a new word for Laisse-Faire, simply won't work. The nature of the sociopaths whom we are dealing with precludes this from the start. Only a big mean cop on the beat can deal with this sort of rich criminal. Like it or not government is our only hope to control these people & protect our property & loved ones. Now for the other problem; getting rid of the sociopaths in government. Permalink
mike-stock at 15:03 2010-06-30 said:
In this regard i agree with Charles Murray who said that "A few people, of whom I am one, think that the Founders' insights are as true today as they were two centuries ago. We believe that human happiness requires freedom and that freedom requires limited government." Permalink

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