
"Now that the bank lobbyists are nearly finished neutering the financial reform bill, it’s time to face reality: our financial world will continue to be run by the very financiers who crashed the system two years ago. The bankers’ arguments ricocheting through the halls of Congress make it seem as if our financial system is basically rational and sound — that only a few flaws need fixing. That’s lunacy. Our bright bankers may be rational as individuals, but collectively they perpetuate a fractured system gone utterly mad… and getting madder every day."


tvsterling at 20:20 2010-05-17 said:
Even the 1000 point pump & dump can be explained away if enough money passes under the table. Now the very concept that the markets COULD be honest & fair is losing credibility. The markets always were crooked as a dog's hind leg but this is impossible. Nothing can stop the Wall St/ Washington Axis of Evil. Permalink

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