2010-06-01 — ml-implode.com
``To begin with, the federal tax credits designed to revive the housing market expired last April 30th. That means there isn’t $8,000 available for new homebuyers, or $6,500 for folks who already own homes. The big question is what happens now to the housing market. Critics of the tax credits say they only enticed people who would have bought anyway and essentially crowded those sales into a few months.''
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catherine at 02:02 2010-06-02 said:now they will finally understand why wall street created all those funky loan programs - to put butts in houses................ strap in-- you are going to see some of the worst subprime loans ever originated - done by good ole uncle sam............... Permalinkadd a comment | go to forum thread Note: Comments may take a few minutes to show up on this page. If you go to the forum thread, however, you can see them immediately. |