2010-08-29 — economist.com
"I'M FINDING the exchange on the financial crisis illuminating in a number of ways, but especially as it lays bare the ideological assumptions and motivations we each bring to these questions. In his latest assay, my esteemed colleague seeks to absolve government from any significant responsibility for the meltdown. (We seem to have moved beyond the question of inequality, which is fine by me.) Having concluded that "the CRA was largely irrelevant" and that "Fanny and Freddie were also-rans", he finds it "hard to understand how one could put government at the heart of the crisis." Let me try to help."
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catherine at 03:11 2010-08-30 said:just start with the Impeached stain, greenspan and rubin in a room GUTTING GLASS STEAGALL so they could make money in 99 when the impeached ride was over............... they put that law on the books after the first depression for a big big reason....................we securitized this mess to 500 TRILLION DOLLARS..............we have a lot further to fall............ and then this group's agenda says they can spend all our money on a jobless recovery............why not, it sounded sooooooooooooo good in the classroom..............not a reality brain between them. 1 TRILLION on the criminal porkulus bill and only 660 billion on the iraq war, think the media will notice or just keep blaming bush and the war???????? Permalinkadd a comment | go to forum thread Note: Comments may take a few minutes to show up on this page. If you go to the forum thread, however, you can see them immediately. |