2010-10-28 — nakedcapitalism.com
"I’m so offended by the latest Obama canard, that the financial crisis of 2007-2008 cost less than 1% of GDP, that I barely know where to begin. Not only does this Administration lie on a routine basis, it doesn’t even bother to tell credible lie"
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catherine at 01:59 2010-10-29 said:''The reason Obama makes such baldfacedly phony statements is twofold: first, his pattern of seeing PR as the preferred solution to all problems, and second, his resulting slavish devotion to smoke and mirrors over sound policy.'''' OFFLMFAO the reason this freak can lie like this is that his followers drink his kool-aid gladly AND AND AND THE MEDIA never spews the truth, they allow him to lie and lie and lie............ republicans took out our trash in 06 and 08, the democrats never will - others have to do the dirty work........ wait until you see the TRUE unemployment numbers after next week, blow your mind how bad it is and by January or February we will know, they are already warning 10% in November....... if the media treated democrats like republicans, they COULDN'T lie like this........... Permalinkadd a comment | go to forum thread Note: Comments may take a few minutes to show up on this page. If you go to the forum thread, however, you can see them immediately. |