
"Bank of America Corp. Chief Executive Officer Brian T. Moynihan said he was surprised when the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and investors sent a letter pushing the firm to repurchase soured mortgages pooled into securities."


ReaLawBuck at 09:31 2010-11-05 said:
Is this guy a moron? Is he kidding? Is he so arrogant he can't possibly imagine the gravity of the situation BofA is in? How could he be surprised?

No it should not make them foreclose faster (and lose money faster - although it is impossible to consider they could find a way to lose money even faster than they already are). It should make them start doing meaningful loan mods and short sales instead of stonewalling people, losing paperwork and acting like they have nothing to lose.

BofA is a blight. Break it up and break it down. Permalink

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