
``The FHA has now stepped into the place of exotic mortgage financing to bring buyers into homes with pathetically low down payments. Low down payments are one of the main reasons why home prices became inflated and also lead to future foreclosures as we will explain shortly.''


catherine at 09:35 2011-02-14 said:
OLD OLD NEWS to anyone paying attention here................they made us into evil and greedy child rapists and gutted 369 companies


see how fast and easy nationalization is, FROGS IN BOILING WATER........

(this has made me pay more and more attention to what happened in Europe that caused the wars and what happened during the Depression...........watching it happen in slow motion to this great free nation ALL WITHIN THE LAST 36 MONTHS has been eye opening.............)

and sure they will let the capitalists stay if they want, BUT WHO IS GOING TO USE YOU WHEN THEY CAN GET A 'NO MONEY DOWN RENT TO OWN FREEBIE'

for HALF THE COST AND RATE..................

how far out this sounded when I wrote about it 2 years ago.....

so damn sad how they took us out with their lies.............they just wanted all THAT PROFIT FOR THEMSELVES AND WE CAN GO EAT DIRT...........

but sooner or later the gubment always ruins what they touch.......HOUSING IS DEAD FOR AT LEAST 10 YEARS.............

so freakin sad.............. Permalink

achtung at 11:35 2011-02-14 said:
OLD OLD NEWS to anyone paying attention here................they made us into evil and greedy child rapists and gutted 369 companies


see how fast and easy nationalization is, FROGS IN BOILING WATER........

(this has made me pay more and more attention to what happened in Europe that caused the wars and what happened during the Depression...........watching it happen in slow motion to this great free nation ALL WITHIN THE LAST 36 MONTHS has been eye opening.............)

and sure they will let the capitalists stay if they want, BUT WHO IS GOING TO USE YOU WHEN THEY CAN GET A 'NO MONEY DOWN RENT TO OWN FREEBIE'

for HALF THE COST AND RATE..................

how far out this sounded when I wrote about it 2 years ago.....

so damn sad how they took us out with their lies.............they just wanted all THAT PROFIT FOR THEMSELVES AND WE CAN GO EAT DIRT...........

but sooner or later the gubment always ruins what they touch.......HOUSING IS DEAD FOR AT LEAST 10 YEARS.............

so freakin sad..............

LMAO this post is so amazingly ridiculous, It is beyond comprehension.

The Government is looking for ways to get out of the mortgage market, and this person is still stating that the government wants to nationalize everything.

FHA has existed in the same way, and has a 400 billion dollar Congressional mandated cap that it cannot exceed. The program is self insured, but somehow this poster wants to state the program IS FULLY funded by taxpayer dollars.

So sad that people still allow this garbage on their site for the sake of not getting lambasted by Catherines personal Blog. What a waste! Permalink

catherine at 12:16 2011-02-14 said:
OLD OLD NEWS to anyone paying attention here................they made us into evil and greedy child rapists and gutted 369 companies


see how fast and easy nationalization is, FROGS IN BOILING WATER........

(this has made me pay more and more attention to what happened in Europe that caused the wars and what happened during the Depression...........watching it happen in slow motion to this great free nation ALL WITHIN THE LAST 36 MONTHS has been eye opening.............)

and sure they will let the capitalists stay if they want, BUT WHO IS GOING TO USE YOU WHEN THEY CAN GET A 'NO MONEY DOWN RENT TO OWN FREEBIE'

for HALF THE COST AND RATE..................

how far out this sounded when I wrote about it 2 years ago.....

so damn sad how they took us out with their lies.............they just wanted all THAT PROFIT FOR THEMSELVES AND WE CAN GO EAT DIRT...........

but sooner or later the gubment always ruins what they touch.......HOUSING IS DEAD FOR AT LEAST 10 YEARS.............

so freakin sad..............

LMAO this post is so amazingly ridiculous, It is beyond comprehension.

The Government is looking for ways to get out of the mortgage market, and this person is still stating that the government wants to nationalize everything.

FHA has existed in the same way, and has a 400 billion dollar Congressional mandated cap that it cannot exceed. The program is self insured, but somehow this poster wants to state the program IS FULLY funded by taxpayer dollars.

So sad that people still allow this garbage on their site for the sake of not getting lambasted by Catherines personal Blog. What a waste!

not as AMAZINGLY RIDICULOUS as you believing the government's lies.........

they want to get out of the business :lol: :lol: :lol: what a drinker you are..............IN SEVEN YEARS and OF-FLMF-AO did you read HOW THEY ARE GOING TO DO IT????? :lol: :lol: :lol:

with MORE GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS TAKING OVER :shock: :shock: :shock:

HE IS FOOLING YOU FOR THE NEXT REELECTION, just like stopping those foreclosures, they are raming them thru now with no change in documentation THAT WAS A GAME PLAYED ON YOU BELIEVERS............ :lol: :lol:

they didn't offer some big capitalist company to BUY THEIR GOVERNMENT freakshows, did they? THAT MIGHT GET THEM OUTTA THE BUSINESS IMMEDIATELY..............they tell you drinkers that they want out and you whimper and sell the garbage............

THEY JUST SPENT 36 months buying our industry, taking over complete control and NOW running into the 'RE-ELECTION SEASON, now barry is saying he wants to unwind the HORROR AND DAMAGE HE HAS CREATED, and you believe him and are calling me names????/ :lol: :lol:

you do not think FHA is owned by us, SELF INSURED???:lol: :lol:

now that is just crazy talk............they aren't making a profit, nothing the government runs is making a profit WITHOUT YOUR TAX MONEY, you are now funny and making up things just to bash.........

we get it ACTUNG YOU WANT TO OWN THE SITE, if you get me to bash you they shut down the post...........

go start the achutng germany site............and I can't post, only gubment lovers can post, go do it, quit the bash here.......

I never would ask you to get lost, you have free speech too

I disagree with almost everything you spew but how arrogant would I be to ASK ANYONE TO GET RID OF YOU :lol: :lol: :lol: I love when people compare what I say against 'your thoughts' and we will see who is right, won't we? it will not take long to see who is right so puleeze stay here and post..........

I love everyone HAVING FREE SPEECH.........

fha profitable, now thank you for the laugh before bed :wink: ........don't you think any of those 3 million foreclosures this year ARE FHA?????? :lol: :lol: Permalink

achtung at 13:18 2011-02-14 said:
OLD OLD NEWS to anyone paying attention here................they made us into evil and greedy child rapists and gutted 369 companies


see how fast and easy nationalization is, FROGS IN BOILING WATER........

(this has made me pay more and more attention to what happened in Europe that caused the wars and what happened during the Depression...........watching it happen in slow motion to this great free nation ALL WITHIN THE LAST 36 MONTHS has been eye opening.............)

and sure they will let the capitalists stay if they want, BUT WHO IS GOING TO USE YOU WHEN THEY CAN GET A 'NO MONEY DOWN RENT TO OWN FREEBIE'

for HALF THE COST AND RATE..................

how far out this sounded when I wrote about it 2 years ago.....

so damn sad how they took us out with their lies.............they just wanted all THAT PROFIT FOR THEMSELVES AND WE CAN GO EAT DIRT...........

but sooner or later the gubment always ruins what they touch.......HOUSING IS DEAD FOR AT LEAST 10 YEARS.............

so freakin sad..............

LMAO this post is so amazingly ridiculous, It is beyond comprehension.

The Government is looking for ways to get out of the mortgage market, and this person is still stating that the government wants to nationalize everything.

FHA has existed in the same way, and has a 400 billion dollar Congressional mandated cap that it cannot exceed. The program is self insured, but somehow this poster wants to state the program IS FULLY funded by taxpayer dollars.

So sad that people still allow this garbage on their site for the sake of not getting lambasted by Catherines personal Blog. What a waste!

not as AMAZINGLY RIDICULOUS as you believing the government's lies.........

they want to get out of the business :lol: :lol: :lol: what a drinker you are..............IN SEVEN YEARS and OF-FLMF-AO did you read HOW THEY ARE GOING TO DO IT????? :lol: :lol: :lol:

with MORE GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS TAKING OVER :shock: :shock: :shock:

HE IS FOOLING YOU FOR THE NEXT REELECTION, just like stopping those foreclosures, they are raming them thru now with no change in documentation THAT WAS A GAME PLAYED ON YOU BELIEVERS............ :lol: :lol:

they didn't offer some big capitalist company to BUY THEIR GOVERNMENT freakshows, did they? THAT MIGHT GET THEM OUTTA THE BUSINESS IMMEDIATELY..............they tell you drinkers that they want out and you whimper and sell the garbage............

THEY JUST SPENT 36 months buying our industry, taking over complete control and NOW running into the 'RE-ELECTION SEASON, now barry is saying he wants to unwind the HORROR AND DAMAGE HE HAS CREATED, and you believe him and are calling me names????/ :lol: :lol:

you do not think FHA is owned by us, SELF INSURED???:lol: :lol:

now that is just crazy talk............they aren't making a profit, nothing the government runs is making a profit WITHOUT YOUR TAX MONEY, you are now funny and making up things just to bash.........

we get it ACTUNG YOU WANT TO OWN THE SITE, if you get me to bash you they shut down the post...........

go start the achutng germany site............and I can't post, only gubment lovers can post, go do it, quit the bash here.......

I never would ask you to get lost, you have free speech too

I disagree with almost everything you spew but how arrogant would I be to ASK ANYONE TO GET RID OF YOU :lol: :lol: :lol: I love when people compare what I say against 'your thoughts' and we will see who is right, won't we? it will not take long to see who is right so puleeze stay here and post..........

I love everyone HAVING FREE SPEECH.........

fha profitable, now thank you for the laugh before bed :wink: ........don't you think any of those 3 million foreclosures this year ARE FHA?????? :lol: :lol:

For your education

FHA is an insurance program. It does not own the loans. It insures them.

The last investigation into FHA showed the insurance fund to be solvent. In fact with projected delinquencies and with declining values to its reverse mortgage business causing a shortfall of 800 million, it still turned a profit.

Save your spew for someone a little more gullible. i know what you are all about (self-promotion). Permalink

catherine at 20:15 2011-02-14 said:
AND THEY ARE BROKE and they use the taxpayer as their piggy bank when they are broke, THEIR INSURANCE AIN'T WORKING THAT IS WHY THE MIP IS GOING TO BLOW SKY HIGH........

and yeah I know all about you - BASH KING.............so now where are we???? :lol: :lol:

sad to tell you I never care what bashers and shut down free speech guys are all about :P ...........they aren't confident with their own version so THEY HAVE TO FOLLOW OTHERS AROUND TO SHUT DOWN ANYONE THAT DOESN'T AGREE WITH THEM :roll:

honey you are paying taxes to prop up FHA no matter how much you think you know............if the rest of the mortgage entities are failing on falling collateral THEN FHA IS and you are who they will tap to make themselves right(they have an insurance fund :lol: :lol: :lol: so do the BROKE INSURANCE COMPANIES AND AIG IS STILL BLEEDING US OUT, AREN'T THEY?

sad you never, ever see the gubment in that light..you always act like they get money FROM SOMEONE ELSE for their losses.......... :roll:

you somehow think they pay for their mistakes, NOPE NEVER your pocktbook is THEIR POCKETBOOK...................

.......and I am all about being right, as you THINK are too :lol: :lol: :lol:

so keep following me around and bashing but I know you just want to learn something............it is crazy how you spew your opinion whenever you want, BUT OTHERS SHOULD SHUT UP. :x

..........don't you get sick of spewing that garbage---it has nothing to do with anything except you think you CAN SAY WHO CAN POST AND WHO CAN'T?

FREE SPEECH FOR EVERYONE and good luck for your new ACHTUNG site...... :P

and just for you---- most others KNOW THIS:

The recession has resulted in diminishing home values and an increase in foreclosures, stretching the FHA to the breaking point. The agency had capital reserves of just 0.5 percent in September--significantly below the 2.0 percent required by law. ................. OOOOPS THEY DON'T HAVE TO KEEP THE SAME HOLDBACKS AS EVERYONE ELSE, well how can that be act baby???? :? :?

it 'can be' because they just have to tap your taxes to make up THEIR shortfall.................

have a great valentines day all 8) Permalink

achtung at 22:33 2011-02-14 said:
AND THEY ARE BROKE and they use the taxpayer as their piggy bank when they are broke, THEIR INSURANCE AIN'T WORKING THAT IS WHY THE MIP IS GOING TO BLOW SKY HIGH........

and yeah I know all about you - BASH KING.............so now where are we???? :lol: :lol:

sad to tell you I never care what bashers and shut down free speech guys are all about :P ...........they aren't confident with their own version so THEY HAVE TO FOLLOW OTHERS AROUND TO SHUT DOWN ANYONE THAT DOESN'T AGREE WITH THEM :roll:

honey you are paying taxes to prop up FHA no matter how much you think you know............if the rest of the mortgage entities are failing on falling collateral THEN FHA IS and you are who they will tap to make themselves right(they have an insurance fund :lol: :lol: :lol: so do the BROKE INSURANCE COMPANIES AND AIG IS STILL BLEEDING US OUT, AREN'T THEY?

sad you never, ever see the gubment in that light..you always act like they get money FROM SOMEONE ELSE for their losses.......... :roll:

you somehow think they pay for their mistakes, NOPE NEVER your pocktbook is THEIR POCKETBOOK...................

.......and I am all about being right, as you THINK are too :lol: :lol: :lol:

so keep following me around and bashing but I know you just want to learn something............it is crazy how you spew your opinion whenever you want, BUT OTHERS SHOULD SHUT UP. :x

..........don't you get sick of spewing that garbage---it has nothing to do with anything except you think you CAN SAY WHO CAN POST AND WHO CAN'T?

FREE SPEECH FOR EVERYONE and good luck for your new ACHTUNG site...... :P

and just for you---- most others KNOW THIS:

The recession has resulted in diminishing home values and an increase in foreclosures, stretching the FHA to the breaking point. The agency had capital reserves of just 0.5 percent in September--significantly below the 2.0 percent required by law. ................. OOOOPS THEY DON'T HAVE TO KEEP THE SAME HOLDBACKS AS EVERYONE ELSE, well how can that be act baby???? :? :?

it 'can be' because they just have to tap your taxes to make up THEIR shortfall.................

have a great valentines day all 8)

OK....I say they are not broke according to the latest investigation of their books.... You say they ARE broke based upon NOTHING...

I'll take my research over your bloated corpse of an OPINION.

Seems you are hell bent on quashing and censoring others .... Permalink

buyerbeware at 23:25 2011-02-14 said:
Lots of things contributed to the mess we are in. Bringing up this old argument about "skin in the game" seems more like ideological dogma than practical solution, especially after all we know now.

But go ahead. Raise those down payments. Punish prospective homeowners (most of whom are, in fact, quite responsible) for sins they did not commit. Limit their options to renting at a cost that will keep them renting for the rest of their lives by preventing them from ever raising enough money to purchase a home. You don't think that landlords will answer the call? Wait and see.

What I am waiting for after the geniuses raise down payments, is the blow-back from the mortgage industry. Cover your ears. Permalink

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