2019-02-20 — nytimes.com
The Supreme Court has ruled that the Eighth Amendment, which bars "excessive fines," limits the ability of the federal government to seize property. On Wednesday, the court ruled that the clause also applies to the states.
... The case concerned Tyson Timbs, who pleaded guilty to selling $225 of heroin to undercover police officers. He was sentenced to one year of house arrest and five years of probation, and he was ordered to pay $1,200 in fees and fines. State officials also seized Mr. Timbs's vehicle, which he had bought with the proceeds of his father's life insurance policy; authorities said he had used it to commit crimes. Justice Ginsburg wrote that the vehicle was worth "more than four times the maximum $10,000 monetary fine assessable against him for his drug conviction." source article | permalink | discuss | subscribe by: | RSS | email Comments: Be the first to add a comment add a comment | go to forum thread Note: Comments may take a few minutes to show up on this page. If you go to the forum thread, however, you can see them immediately. |