
"Data from the Standard & Poor’s/Case Shiller Indexes illustrate the continuing sharp variance in housing price performance among different cities. House prices in San Francisco were up 18.3% for the year ended in May, whereas in Las Vegas they were down 6.5%."


catherine at 00:40 2010-07-29 said:
they IN NO WAY TELL THE REAL STORY.............just alone in Orlando, FL, the education system, the individual cities, the counties are all piling on their inflated lifestyles ONTO THE BACK OF PROPERTY TAXES.

Housing is rising today in some areas but those taxes are being prepared in the backroom to hit in 6 months......

then we can compare 'REAL' value after

6 million foreclosures hit the public

and double the taxes and TRIPLE the insurance

and then we will be matching apples to apples.............. Permalink

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