
" Nearly one-third of prospective first-time homebuyers said an extension of the $8,000 first-time homebuyer tax credit would have “no influence” on their decision to purchase a home in 2010, according to a survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Zillow.com."


Alexius12 at 01:27 2009-09-30 said:
Wait a minute Zillow/HousingWire

Do I get this right? According to Harris Interactive's survey:

18% said it would be the “primary influence” in their decision. 25% said it would be a “significant influence. 27% said it would have “some influence.

Let's see here: 18%+25%+27%=70%. Let me double check, yes, 70%!

So that means that extending tax credit would definitely influence two-thirds, or 70%, of prospective first-time homebuyers on their decision to purchase a home in 2010.

I guess there will always be people out there seeing the glass 70% empty instead of seeing it 70% full.

" Nearly one-third of prospective first-time homebuyers said an extension of the $8,000 first-time homebuyer tax credit would have “no influence” on their decision to purchase a home in 2010, according to a survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of Zillow.com." Permalink

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